The peace shield is a visualization meditation from a plane with a very high frequency, making it very powerful. Get specific with your needs (each house will have different needs).

The purpose is to keep women and children safe. Imagine if every child on the planet had a mother who could keep them safe. Our world would be unrecognizable within one generation.

So, this is a call to all the divine feminine peeps as well as anyone who has core feminine energy. Let’s protect the children, no child should grow up in a home with domestic violence. The peace shield will mitigate fear-based emotions such as anger, bitterness, guilt, hatred, resentment, jealousy, and conflict.

The peace shield can be placed on a home as well as on an individual.

To set a peace shield on your home….

Imagine the home or person that you are placing the shield over, see it/them clearly in your mind and then drape the home or the person in a net. Add a pyramid into each connecting corner of the net. (See diagram below).

Now set your intentions for this net.

Is it physical or mental abuse? Or are you protecting your home from outside chaos like robbery? I shield my dog so that I know he’s safe when we go to the dog park.

Intentions can sound like.

“I protect myself and my children from any kind of physical or mental abuse in our home.”

“I place this shield to mitigate conflict with my spouse.”

“I shield my children so that they are safe from violence at school and in everyday life.”

“I shield my loved one from physical and or mental abuse.”

Once you have gotten as specific as possible you activate the net by stating. “I activate this peace shield”.

Each day when you wake up, you’ll need to reactivate the shield simply by stating that it is activated.