The healing Song

Telomeres explained.

Telomeres are protective caps found at the ends of our chromosomes. The telomeres play a significant role in aging by limiting the number of times that our cells can divide. They help protect our genome and defend our bodies from cancer. This protection is related to the number of repeats in the telomer itself. Humans can have anywhere between a few hundred to a few thousand repeats all with the same distinctive DNA sequence. As each cell divides, and replicates self ,DNA repeats are lost causing the telomer to shorten. Too short or uncapped telomeres signal to the cell that its time to retire. Retiring cells stay in a resting state called senescence, which means they stop dividing or they undergo programmed cell death. This causes aging. Most cell divisions take place in the first few years of life but telomer length continues to shorten at a steady rate as we age. Telomer shortening stops our cells from dividing endlessly, when cells divide endlessly, they become cancerous.

Most human cells have a built-in life span of 40-60 divisions however cancer cells have found a way around this and grow relentlessly. For optimal human health, our telomers need to be within a certain “Goldie locks’ zone. (not too long, not too short) The healing song is a frequency that causes your telomers to grow to the longer side of this Goldie locks zone protecting the body from cancer and slowing the aging process.

Side effects vary but could include, the return of your pre-grey hair color, decrease of fine lines and wrinkles of the face, extreme need of sleep, and food cravings. The need for sleep and food should pass within a few days while the decrease in wrinkles, lines, and pre-grey hair color are more permanent.


As a combat vet with the 82nd airborne my knees were completely #$%@&* by the time I was 29. The pain was constant and very disruptive to my life. After a healing song session my pain went away completely. I am now able to hike, get on a treadmill, and I can even do squats. I highly recommend phoenix rising to anyone in chronic pain.

Ryan B

Two and a half years into a stroke recovery, I had recovered all the movement on the affected side, but still had some brain fog and a delay in the connections on that side. Meaning that it did not respond as quickly as before the stroke. Then I tried a healing song session. The last damaged parts of my brain healed so quickly and completely that I had to spend a couple hours readjusting myself to a healthy brain. My vision was too clear, my senses too in tuned that I needed time to readjust. Fortunately, that adjustment happened quickly and I’m happy to report that I no longer have any side effects of my stroke.
