I absolutely love my life. I love every part of it. I love my home, family dynamic, I love how strong my body is. I love that I have accomplished things that are accomplished very rarely. I love being the exception not the rule.

Charity Hanekom

Using the body/emotion code I have taken myself from suicidal to thriving. I sleep now, I can think straight, I am motivated to engage in life, my new motto is “bring it on, I’m having fun”. I cannot explain to you the difference in myself because I now enjoy my life so much that I don’t really relate with, or even remember the person I was. I have made myself over so complete that I honestly feel like the bad stuff happened to someone else. I have had more than one professional comment that its amazing that I was holding on as well as I did. I began this journey seeking a better relationship with my daughter. Once I got going, I became addicted to feeling good and kept working until I have gotten myself to the place where I am blissful every day.

Life is amazing and wonderful for me, and if you are so inclined I would love to help you make this a reality in your life.

Congratulations on taking your first steps down this wonderful healing path, if you have not done so feel free to schedule a free 20-minute consultation. I am excited for you and honored that you would consider letting me be a part of your journey.

Love and blessings to you
